By Dr. Roy Cheong

6 min readJan 22, 2021

Supple skin radiating with health is on everyone’s beauty list. As the beauty and skincare industry developed so also the proliferation of such products that promised eternal youth. This gigantic ocean of products claims to improve just about anything that you find amiss about your skin- appearance, texture, and structure. Oftentimes what lies behind these promises is a whole lot of harmful chemicals.

With the advent of natural and gentle skin care products, the cosmetics and skin care industry has lapped up to the trend of natural skin care. Such skin care products are made of natural ingredients that are tender on your skin.In the crowd of everything natural, hydrosol has emerged as a clear winner.

What is hydrosol? What are its benefits? Is it suitable for my skin type? All this and more for you right here.

What is Hydrosol?

Essentially a term used in chemistry, hydrosol is a word derived from two Latin words: hydro meaning “water” and sol meaning “solution” Hydrosol are aromatic remnants of a plant after the distillation process is applied to them. It is precisely for this reason that they are also called “flower water”. Various parts of a plant including leaves, stems, fruits, etc are used for distilled to get hydrosol.

The process of distillation applied to plants results in two outputs: The oil-soluble components and the water-soluble constituents, if any. It is this water remains that is the hydrosol.

What are the Benefits of Hydrosol Application?

From room sprays to linen mists and from skin and beauty products to pet sprays, hydrosols are a powerhouse of benefits. It is especially a treasure trove for your skin. The skin care and beauty industry has finally acknowledged the immense amount of goodness that hydrosol brings. With their many properties hydrosol takes care of your skin by nourishing it from within.

Just like plants thrive when watered, your skin needs to be watered too. Your skin needs to maintain a certain level of hydration to have that silky, soft look. However, with a combination of age and environmental factors, the water retention capacity of your skin decreases making it look listless and dry. Aging also impacts the elasticity of your skin. All this leads to the presence of signs of aging including wrinkles, age spots, uneven skin tone, and crow’s feet on your thus far unblemished face. Hydrosol is an excellent moisturizer and regular application of hydrosol replenishes the lost moisture of your skin and acts as an anti-aging agent making your skin glow with health.

Hydrosol is a product of many talents. Its regular usage is not only good for the way your skin looks but hydrosols from particular plants also help calm your skin, act as stress relievers and ameliorate particular skin conditions as well. In addition, hydrosol is an outstanding skin revitalizer. Hydrosol masks deeply penetrate your skin and nurtures it from its very depths.

Sun is the only natural source of vitamin D. However, exposure to UV rays is detrimental to your skin. Using broad spectrum sunscreen with hydrosol as its ingredient provides an outstanding sun protection.

Which Other Ingredients Goes Best with Hydrosol?

There are an array of ingredients that , in combination with hydrosol are present in various products to provide you the best possible care. Radish roots, calendula extract and aloe vera are some of the natural ingredients that go well with hydrosol. Aloe vera along with hydrosol has therapeutic value and has been used as a natural skin treatment. Together they calm your skin and help reduce the irritation.

What Plants are used for Hydrosol?

Although a variety of plants are used to make hydrosol, there are a few that are favored for making mists and sprays. Lavender and Helichrysum of the French variety are two of the most sought after plants for the punch that they pack in your overall wellness routine.

Lavender on a towel with relaxing candle light
Photo: Gundula Vogel

French Lavender: Like the flower, the by-product also envelops into its light and refreshing fragrance. The hydrosol has a smell distinct from the lavender essential oil. Milky water in appearance, it bears a light floral smell.

Properties of the French Lavender hydrosol mirror that of the lavender essential oil. However, the former is much safer and gentler on your skin without comprising on any of its goodness.

A hydrosol with many names, the French Lavender hydrosol has diverse benefits.

It brings a refreshing touch to your skincare routine. Suitable for all skin types, French Lavender’s gentle properties bring in distinct advantages for sensitive skin. People possessing sensitive skin are vulnerable to irritation, rashes, and flare ups.

The mildness of French Lavender together with its anti-bacterial, antiseptic and antioxidant properties is god-sent for such a skin type. Skin that gets sun-burnt easily should use lavender hydrosol in a spritzer bottle for cooling relief. It is known for its purifying and astringent effects. It is an ideal choice for maintaining blemish-free skin all year round. French Lavender is also most suited for reactive skin.If you have a skin that’s oily, these very same properties will help you manage the redness caused by acne.

Replace your regular face toner with French Lavender and witness your skin transform into that supple, firm, and clear version that you had always wanted. If you are troubled with dry skin, French Lavender’s moisturizing properties would come to your rescue. Incorporate its body lotion in your skincare routine and regain the lost softness. It’s a good idea to apply French Lavender body scrub for a comprehensive skin care. From deep cleaning pores to exfoliating the dead skin to reducing blemishes, the scrub has many uses.

Small yellow helicrysum flowers
Photo: Goran Horvat

French Helichrysum: A mix of herbaceous and earthy fragrance, French Helichrysum is fast becoming a popular hydrosol for its versatility. It is your skin's best friend and helps it regain its lost radiance.

No matter what skin type you are gifted with, French Helichrysum hydrosol is your friend. However, when it comes to sensitive skin, it’s a match made in heaven. People with sensitive skin have prosperity towards certain skin ailments. It’s anti-inflammatory properties calm the irritated and inflamed skin. Being anti-bacterial and anti-fungal, it’s an ideal toner for skin conditions like rosacea and thread veins. Acne is one of the commonest issues faced by people with oily skin. French Helichrysum soothes your acne ridden skin and controls acne by balancing sebum

If you have dry skin, French Helichrysum will provide you the much needed moisturization to keep your skin looking soft and plump. Another benefit of French Helichrysum is its skin brightening attributes. Gently apply an eye cream with French Helichrysum hydrosol to rejuvenate your tired eyes and let them sparkle with god health.

Specially designed for sensitive and dry skin, it is hard not to get hooked on to it. For all other skin types, it is an excellent hydrating agent. Regular use of French Helichrysum hydrosol makes your skin look young and fresh, lends firmness, and flexibly making it appear velvety soft. It helps in skin cell regeneration and acts as an anti-aging ingredient as well. The benefits just don’t stop here. Using lip balm with French Helichrysum as ingredients keeps your lips luscious the entire winter.

Bottom Line

Fragrant botanical remains of a plant after the distillation process is what a hydrosol is. It is also a storehouse of benefits. Be it taking a few years off your face, addressing skin-related issues like acne or thread vein, it’s hydrating and anti-inflammatory properties are like a balm for your skin. Hydrosol is not a new concept when it comes to cosmetic uses. It has a rich history of thousands of years.

French Lavender and Helichrysum are two of the popular hydrosol that come with immeasurable benefits for your skin. Although appropriate for all skin types, they are especially advantageous for dry and sensitive skin.

French Lavender or Helichrysum, both treat your skin with love and tenderness.

Pick the one that most suits your requirements and live your dream of smooth and nimble skin.

Originally published at January 21, 2021.

